Kit Fox – An Adorable Desert Denizen

tom_kitfox_holeI recently had the opportunity to participate in a unique photography workshop hosted by the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center (SWCC). The workshop was led by Randy Babb, a biologist with the Arizona Game and Fish Department and an accomplished photographer. He provided a wealth of knowledge about the animals and some invaluable tips and advice on how best to photograph them to the small group of photographers in the workshop.

The biggest bonus of the event was the chance to get into the enclosures with some of the less “wild” animals so that you could photograph them without the obstruction of fencing…what a treat! I came away with hundreds of photographs during the six-hour workshop, but my favorites were the kit foxes.

Kit fox adults weigh about four pounds and have an overall length of a little over two feet—roughly the size of a large domestic cat or small dog. Compared to their body and head size, their ears are distinctly large adding to their endearing, almost adorable appearance. In a word, they’re just plain “cute.” Here are a few of the kit fox photographs from inside their home.

For more information about SWCC, I urge you to personally make a reservation to visit their Conservation Center in northeast Scottsdale. It’s a treat to see the kit fox enclosure and all of the other animals for which the center provides loving care. You’ll find full information and driving directions to their facility at their web site: For more information specifically about kit foxes, here’s a link to a one-page field note on them from the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s web site:

kit fox


kit fox


kit fox



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Author: Tom Mangelsdorf

Tom Mangelsdorf is a long-time resident of north Scottsdale. Tom is a frequent contributor to A Peek at the Peak. Tom is usually among the winners of The Peak's annual Summer Fun Photography Contest.

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