Scroll down for announcements, new releases and information related to coronavirus that have been published by local organizations and regular editorial contributors to The Peak. We will do our best to keep up with these notices, but to be sure you have the latest information check with the organization.
Scroll down to review posts.
Local, County, State & Federal Coronavirus Information on the Web
#1. Cave Creek Unified School District Coronavirus Information Page
CCUSD has posted an excellent page with information about the Coronavirus on the Cactus Shadows High School Wepbsite. The page contains links to the CDC Coronavirus and other excellent sources. It also provides practical advice for all of us. It is being updated regularly.
CCUSD Coronavirus Information#2. Maricopa County CORONAVIRUS DISEASE (COVID-19) Page
Provides current statistics on cases, tests in the county and links to other related pages.
Maricopa County Coronavirus Information#3. Arizona Department of Health Services Covid-19 Page
Provides statewide statistics about cases, tests, etc. across the entire state. Provides links to related sites.
State Coronavirus Information#4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 Home Page
The federal government’s primary source of information for the public.
National Coronavirus Information Page
COVID-19 News, Notices, Announcements and Information by Date Posted
Maricopa County News Update – Week of July 25
Maricopa County News & COVID-19 Updates

Coast of Martha’s Vineyard
Vineyard Views Blog – COVID-19 Posts
Another COVID Experiment. Blog
Losing Your Smell. Blog
COVID Deaths. Blog
More COVID Numbers. Blog
Another COVID Survey. Blog
COVID Deaths. Blog
Per Capita COVID. Blog
Is there any advantage to being quarantined?
One ‘advantage’ of staying home for 24 hours a day is the ability to live without wearing the mask. Do you agree? Are there other advantages?
Use the Comment Area at the bottom of this article to share your answer with Peak readers.
Calm Before the Storm
March 17, 2020
An update on China from the March 17th NY Times
Courtesy Al DeVito
Just one new locally originated infection was reported on Monday, according to the Chinese National Health Commission’s daily update of new coronavirus cases. The new cases was in Wuhan, the center of the outbreak.
An additional 20 new cases were also recorded in China on Monday among travelers arriving from abroad.
Over the past two weeks, the daily count of infections in China has consistently fallen since the government implemented drastic measures to close cities and confine hundreds of millions of people to their homes.
By the end of Monday, China’s total infection count from the virus had reached 80,881. With 3,226 fatal cases, the country has suffered more deaths from the coronavirus than any other. But Italy, a much smaller country, was nearing this figure Tuesday with 2,470 recorded deaths.
China is already trying to restart commerce and industry, but even when new local infections hit zero, the government appears unlikely to proclaim full victory over the epidemic. A test is still to come as people return to work.
Editor note. See March 12 posting below for information and avoidance advice posted today.
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February 18, 2021
My comment is in response to the question posted as one of the Vineyard Views Blog COVID-19 posts What’s good about being quarantined because of COVID? Well, COVID hasn’t gotten me yet. Also, your short videos about COVID provide information I would otherwise miss. I don’t spend time watching videos. Now I have the time. Thank you for the posts.